Danielle McCallum

200 hour YTT, Sky Ting Yoga

300 hour Advanced YTT, Colleen Saidman and Rodney Yee

30 hour Katonah Yoga, Abbie Galvin

Wim Hof Method Instructor certification, Wim Hof

Breathwork Professional certification, Kasper Van Der Meulen (in progress 2022)

Danielle's goal in every class is to train the mind, body and soul UP. We will employ the imagination and a focus on the architecture of the poses in order to create energy, a feeling of spaciousness, and a heightened awareness of the body and mind. Danielle also teaches breathwork to clean the body out, flood it with oxygen, optimize its function, and more than anything--to create an opportunity to get into the flow. To learn more, visit her website or Instagram.