Acroyoga & thai massage

w/ RObin Sargan

MAY 21st, 2023, 2PM-5pm

Acroyoga is a movement practice that teaches students how to play, connect, and lift others up (literally and figuratively).  This practice combines the fitness and energy of acrobatics and the balance and connection of yoga.  This workshop will primarily focus on basic techniques for L-Basing static poses to some simple transitions.  No prior experience necessary.  No partner required but will be partnered up if you don’t already have one.

And to wind things down, come explore how to give a playful, full body treatment with ease, using body weight and meditative rhythm with Thai Massage.  This yogic dance mobilizes and massages the body, affecting your whole being, from the bones, muscles and organs to the energetic and emotional body.  

Join us for a sweet and playful workshop of playing, giving and receiving, enjoying your body, and connecting with another.  Come as you are, or brings some friends!  This practice is designed to reach all people—no matter your age, size, skill, or fitness level. 
